FTPP is a unique peptide that works like a fat assassin not burning body fat but actually killing the fat cells.
It’s a peptidomimetic, which is a small protein-like chain that is designed to imitate a peptide, converted into an experimental proapoptotic product that is used for cellular death. Cell death is when a biological cell ceases to perform its functions. That may be due to the natural process cells that are old dying and the new ones replacing them, or it may result from factors like localised injury, disease, or organism death of which these cells are part.
FTPP (Adipotide) purpose is contributing to the weight loss. The substance has exhibited favourable outcomes in tests; the main feature of adipotide is its property of fast loss of weight.
FTPP (Adipotide) purpose is contributing to the weight loss. The substance has exhibited favourable outcomes in tests; the main feature of adipotide is its property of fast loss of weight.
Adipotide is designed for targeting specific blood vessels, supplying body fat (adipose tissue) with blood. The process results in a shrinking on your vessels, forcing the fat cells to start feeding on these vessels. All that mechanism leads to an apoptosis, which is a form of PCD that normally occurs in multicellular organisms. Typically, there are 2 receptors where adipotide binds: prohibitin and ANXA2. These are found in your blood vessels, and they accomplish the role of supplying your white adipose tissue.
The process results in the loss of a certain amount of abdominal fat mass.
•Adipotide contains potentiating positive effects on insulin sensitivity as it improves it drastically. It’s reflected in using insulin efficiently on your body, which has been proven to have a positive effect on decreasing on elevated levels of blood glucose.
•Adipotide maintains your health, and it allows energy use from the chemical nutrients your body is receiving.
•It regulates water by removing excess water and retaining it at the appropriate time.
•It processes hormones, which is useful in the regulation of BP (blood pressure)
•It balances the minerals in your body, which allows the correct functionality of your body.
What Is the Dosage of Adipotide?
Where to inject: Injected into the body fat around the stomach area.
Suggested Injection Dosage per time: 43mcg per kg of body weight.
Bacteriostatic Water is advised to be used.
When mixing the water into the vial of powder, do this slowly and carefully. never shake, gently rotate the vial between your fingers.
• It reduces body fat at a rapid rate
• It has minimal effect on blood sugar
• It stimulates lipolysis
• It facilitates the repair of cartilage
• It has a powerful efficacy in the treatment of osteoarthritis
• It has favourable regenerative properties
• It prevents the transformation of non-fatty food into fat in a process called lipogenesis
• It helps to treat obesity
• Helps to improve muscle tone
• Imitates the way natural growth hormone regulates fat metabolism
• Mobilizes stored energy during fasting or exercise
• Reduces abdominal fat
• Possesses regenerative and anti-aging properties associated with growth hormone
• The peptide does not have any major side effects
• Will not cause hyperglycaemic reaction with poor diet
• An increase in appetite
• Helping in fat burning
• Better power performance
• Protection of the liver and other organs
• Anti-inflammatory action
• Increased muscle growth
• Enhanced muscle repair and recovery
• Strengthening of the immune system
• Improved mood and wellbeing
• Increased bone density
• Anti-aging properties
• Improvement of blood circulation in the body.
• An increase of muscle mass in the body that leads to weight gain.
• Leads to low levels of cholesterol in the body.
• Cause improvement in bone strength.
• Enhanced protection against the aging factors.
• Decreased body fat
• Increased lean muscle mass
• Boosted repair and recovery from exercise
• Potent anti-aging properties improving the appearance of skin, hair and nails
• Minimal impact on cortisol levels.
• Improved sleep pattern
• Helps regulate energy
• Protects against obesity
• Helps with weight loss
• Improves exercise capacity
• Improves glucose regulation
• Improves metabolism
• Improved overall health and wellness
• improvement of learning and memory processes
• increased sensory attention
• increased mental clarity
• anti-anxiety – inhibition of anxiety
• antiviral activity with no negative effects
• stabilization of mood and overall feeling of wellbeing
• increased curiosity